Expectations for clients prior to arriving to appointment:
Please notify your artist if any of the following apply to you:
you are unvaccinated /not up to date on your COVID-19 vaccination and boosters.
you are traveling from out of state or have traveled outside of the state in the past two weeks and are unvaccinated/boosted
you have experienced/are experiencing any symptoms of illness Covid or non-Covid related
Please keep in mind that we need to take extra precautions for both your safety and the safety of our artists. We need full disclosure/honesty in order to protect our shop from multiple illnesses or full closure. We understand that postponing your tattoo may be inconvenient but we need to put community safety and livelihood first.
Client Instructions for Appointment Check-In
Please wear a mask before entering the building. If you do not have one please notify our receptionist and we will bring provide one for you.
Upon entry to the shop please use the provided hand sanitizer
Please place all personal items in the plastic bin provided to you. Do not set any items on our surfaces or the floor.
You will complete and sign a health screening checklist along with our waiver form.
Extra Notes:
Please eat a meal at one hour before your scheduled appointment
No food or eating is allowed in the stations but you may bring a snack to consume outside of the work areas if you have a long appointment.
Bring water or something to drink but please check in with your artist before placing these items on surfaces in our shop
If you feel ill or under the weather, please reschedule your appointment and do not come to the shop. We understand that with the current spread of COVID-19 that symptoms can arrive at any time and we will make adjustments to the cancellation policy to ensure you are healthy and safe.
At Jackalope Tattoo, the safety of our clients, artists and employees is of the utmost importance. Any questions or concerns regarding our policies can be directed to M or Renata via contact@jackalopetattoo.com . We appreciate your patience and understanding.